Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a fairly large "Lite F/X" (knock-off) lamp, in which the lava is sticking to the side of the glass. There are lots of tiny beads of lava all over, but also one concentrated trail that the wax always follows up the side. What is the best way to get rid of those cling-ons, and bring it back to normal operation? Do I need to empty it, and clean the inside of the glass? If so, can anyone give me instructions on how to do that without damaging the contents?

Thanks again,

...To be Concluded.

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I don't see this particular model of lamp at my local Wal-mart, or I would probably do that. I guess I'm just using it as a project, as I've never really refurbished a lamp before, and I won't be heartbroken if I screw this one up... Something else I just noticed this morning; the wax won't touch the coil. Rather, when it cools and settles, it looks like a hockey puck sitting on top of the coil... I think I read something somewhere about the coil needing to be "primed." Can anyone give instructions on this?


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