Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I know the older coach lanterns had a base with a copper color and a version with a brass color. The most recent release says it's a copper base with a bronze color (though the picture looks like shiny brass to me.) My question is to those who have bought the most recent version. What color does it look like in real life? LOL Does it look copper, brass, or some other color? Thanks.

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I have one that is just over a year old. I would say it looks like polished copper. Here is a pic.

Is that the purple liquid/yellow lava that comes with the lamp, or purple/red?
It is Purple liquid/Yellow lava. I have to run the lamp on a dimmer because it overheats at about 2 hours if it is on full blast.
Dang, that's disappointing. I really love this design, but if they have these kinds of problems, is it worth getting? What is the "ring around the globe?"
Just thought of this, does using a lower watt bulb help or fix the overheating issue? Or does it have to be a dimmer? Sorry I ask so many questions sometimes. :)

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