Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Got a spare pirate lamp, and I need a cap for a lava phone.

I scored the last two pirate lamps in California, and I only need one. I also got a lava phone on e bay, it does not have the correct top on it. So, two questions, does anybody need a pirate lamp, and does anyone have a spare phone top?

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I found the pirate lamp at a yard sale minus the glass Lava "mast". Any clue how I might get the replacement piece?
I don't still have the box, unfortunately.  And I looked at every connection I have, no joy.  I got it at Spencers, you might call their headquarters and ask if they have any backstock gathering dust on a shelf.  Good Luck!

Did you want to sell your Pirate Lava Lamp? 



I have an extra Lava phone cap-


I accept Paypal

Let me know-


I need the Pirate Lava Lamp.  Are you saying you'd sell it to me for $7.00?    


I can do Paypal.


Dot, TJ has the pirate lamp. It was Bob who offered the Lava phone cap. Try PM for TJ & see how much he wants.

Sorry gang, I no longer need the phone cap, and sold the spare pirate lamp.  Best of luck!


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