Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello, I recently refurbished my lamp. I am using the same lava substance that came with the lamp and really just changed out the water. At this point the wax separates into a golf ball sized blob and rises to the top where it sits until another golf ball sized blob rises and then a golf ball sized blob drops. This is a fairly slowly process once hot, only doing what I mentioned once every 15 minutes or so.

I thought that I perhaps added too much salt solution in the water (the goo rises much quicker than before I changed out the water), but I have now taken out and replaced so much of it trying to bring down the content that I can't imagine that it has too much salt in it.

I am using an unfrosted 40w bulb on 220v. I am extremely limited to my lighting options as I am currently in a remote part of Brazil. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


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It is an aristocrat I believe. Probably 70's. I had no idea what I was doing when I got it in the mail (from ebay) and after watching it for a few days (and it worked well) I noticed it started to get foggy / milky. I I let it run for a few more days and then got the bright idea of just changing the "water" in it. Once again, I had no idea what I was doing, and so I poured out the mirky water and put in 100% tap. Then things went from bad to worse as nothing was happening.

That is when I found this forum and started reading up on everything. I decided to pour out the water, use distilled, I created a high percentage saline solution (with sea salt) and worked on balancing out everything. I am pretty sure I poured in a bit too much of the saline solution as when that water hit the goo, the goo shot up like a rocket. Anyway, I've been taking out and replacing distilled water trying to decrease the ratio. I also mixed up a drop of liquid detergent in a cup of water and added that to the globe.

The goo, when it comes in contact with another glob of goo, melds together and forms one mass, like it should (I think).

Thank you,


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