Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Lava Comparison Video American 52oz Vs. China 52oz

Well this time I compared 2 52oz lamps. I used a Silver Red Century with Red Lava Clear liquid and a Purple Liquid Yellow lava China lamp. In the video both lamps were on for 4 hours. Anyway I would really appreciate some feedback on the video. Tell me how it is, do you like it? Hate it? I am open to all feedback.

My goal is to deliver the simple message: Haggerty Enterpises SUCK. Do NOT buy from them. They don't care about the customers ANYMORE. I want them OUT OF BUSINESS. Let's face it they are not going to change.

Anyway, thanks for watching, and as always ~MattMJB0188!~ ;)


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I'm an employee at Spencers in the great state of California. I've been working there since the late 90's and I'm also a huge collector. We were purchasing lamps while they were being made here in the U.S. and I have tons and I also have the many that were also made in China. We switch out our lava lamps that are on display with the new colors as they come out. I've seen hundreds and have dozens at home and quite honestly.......I can't tell the difference. I've seen them flow just like the video but a lava lamp will just do what it wants to do. Even if it came from China.
Well.......I have to say the China lamp flows OK in this video. I like how the USA lamp changes shape as it flows where the China lamp just spits the same size balls around. The difference was much greater with the 32ozers. I have a China 52oz black/clear and a China 52oz rainbow (white/clear) and both seem to flow OK but cannot run over 5 hours or so because they overheat. I also must admit I only purchased them for the base (black chrome) and the globe (rainbow) and I cant really see myself buying more unless they are different from what I have. I have so many USA globes that will run forever without overheating, my favorite lamp has a 32oz blood red/clear screw cap USA globe that will run for days and never overheat and many of my 52oz USA globe lamps will also run for days with no problems. I still think the test is the test of time....I have many globes from the late 60's early 70's that run like they are in a marathon....40 years old and still going strong...I do not believe China globes will last like the USA globes do. Thanks for posting the vid Matt.

I thought comment about the dust was pretty funny. Since Spencers pretty much rolls in Lava sales they have access to the direct manufacturer giving Spencers the oppotunity to purchase their own colors. Since they purchase thousands of these lamps they disperse them to their warehouses that supply the entire chain. The lamps will sit untill they are needed. Some stores that receive the lava lamps do not sell them as much as others its common sense that the longer they sit the more dust builds on the packaging. The same goes in the warehouse. If a nearby store suddenly is in a major need of lava lamps then its also common for a supply to be transferred to another......that means if the employees don't wipe the dust off then it will travel.....anyway...
Since I saw this post I decided to take some of my own personal U.S. lava lamps to 2 of our local stores they allowed me to display them along with some china models. In our survey customers are being asked the following question: Based on the flow of the lava, which lamp do you think was made here in the United States and which lamp was made in China? I hate to break this to you but so far out of the 80 people being asked this question, 91% beleive the China model was made in the U.S. based on the flow. So as I said earlier out of the hundreds I've seen and the hundreds still yet to come I don't see a difference.
Quality wise? Just as good. A China model will get cloudy just as a U.S. model would. A China model will clear as a U.S. model would.
So the saying goes? "my lava lamp doesn't flow like his, so there must be something wrong?" "My lava lamp spits up only tiny bubbles and the quality is horrible." These are all quotes you can find scattered all around this sight.
The pics here on this sight are awesome. I even printed some up but they are cool. But people come on! A lava lamp is a lava lamp and flows are different in all of them. So we can honestly enjoy the lamps or whine about what they do and not do.

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