Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

i only have 2 lamps and their both made in china :( what are good american lamps to buy.

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Those classic Lava Lites from 60's and 70's are really nice to collect. Getting more expensive though especaially the Aladdin as seen in your avatar.

Good luck collecting
My vote is to start with a nice clean vintage Aristocrat preferably red wax and clear liquid. But red wax and yellow/gold liquid is a good second choice. I like the Aristocrat base better than the Century - I think it is a cleaner, elegant shape - less clunky - just personal taste. Get one that is not cloudy and you won't be disappointed as it will wet your appetite for all of the vintage lamps as the old Aristocrats (any of the old vintage lamps for that matter) can be run many hours at a time without damage and the wax flows so sweet!

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