Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have a 70's globe from an enchantress that has bright red lava that tends to never adhere or spread over the spring, leaving it to hover in one ball usually at the bottom once meleted. Even after cooling the wax suspends about a half inch off the bottom and only touches a part of the spring when hard. There is generally never more than one lava blob (sphere).

I have transfered this into a Consort globe.....

What can be added to create less bouncy, spherical lava, that will attract to the spring and break up into formations to flow like "lava" should.

More distilled water, less? Possibly salt, soap?

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Surfactant. Clear detergent like for washing clothes or hand soap. Surface tension is your enemy right now. I fixed one grande already and I'm working on a second I just received.
thanks, I couldn't figure out what the "enemy" was and needed a refresher on what the surfactant was for, now I remember

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