Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

We have aquired a collection of lamps from my mother when she passed. I've had them sitting in boxes for about 2 years and really don't have the room for them. I am interested in selling the whole lot together...not sure exactly how many or what's what. I am guessing there are about 70 lamps (or maybe more). They are a sad reminder to me, so I am taking reasonable offers on the whole group of them. I live in Houston. You can contact me by email at leewirz@sbcglobal.net. to discuss.

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Sorry about the loss of your mother. Pictures would be very helpful to give the buyers an Idea of what you have for sale.
I'd be interested in them, but I'd really like to see a picture as well.
Sure. Makes perfect sense. I am going to try to do that at the end of this week. Stay posted. And thanks for the input!
I could probably buy a couple single ones if you decide to switch to that. Let me know. And some pictures too (I know everyone already asked for them). Thanks.
Sorry about your mother,

There'll be plenty of people here i'm guessing with an interest in your collection.

Looking forward to seeing what you have.
What sort of lamps are they? I'm presuming lava lamps?

It would be great to see some pics. if they are lava they could be of very great interest here.

Good luck with your sale.

I'm curious as well to see what sort of models you've got for sale. Definitely gonna keep tabs on this.
Hi. I would be intrested in purchasing some of your lava lamps for a reasonable price. As long as they are not cloudy or broken/damaged I don't care about the colors. Are there any glitter lamps in this collection?
please ebay them, gives everyone a fair chance. sorry for the loss :(
thank you for all the interest. I'm really not trying to piece sell them...it's too time consuming and I work way too many hours...if I can sell them as a group I would like that b/c I don't really know enough about any of them...even to match the bases with the globes. It's not really about the money to me, it's about someone having the lamps that cares about them and will put them to use.
Hi, I might have a friend who would be interested in your entire collection. Where are you located? Approximately how many lamps do you have and about how much do you want for the whole lot? If you want you may contact me directly at kaaraa99@hotmail.com
Jen P.

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