Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

i have a blue liquid, white wax lamp i recently purchased. i'm having issues with cloudy water and bubbles in the wax, but that's slowly clearing up. there is a long line inside the globe, it looks like a scratch. when you run your hand over it on the outside there's no indentation in the glass. there's also little specs that look the same as the line scattered randomly on the inside of the globe. any ideas?

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can you post a pic? :)
yes, give me a minute
i couldn't get the specs to come through in the pic, hope this helps
it's definitely not the join. that's close beside this "scratch".
hmm.. doesn't look like a join, too curvy
whatever caused it, i don't think you can do much about it.
even if you emptied the globe and cleaned it I don't think it would help if it is a scratch.

see what the experts say (I am not one of them, sorry)
thank you
they are my favorite as well. i have three wizards, but i wouldn't say i have a collection. that's what i have been doing as well, turning it to the back, but i was hoping for a fix. i can live with it though. thank you for ending the mystery.
it's showing major potential

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