Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I'll try to make this short. However, I'm not sure that will happen. I'm one of those that worries about everything, plus I have OCD, so I tend to let things drive me crazy.

Before I go into everything and for those that may not read all this. Will a frosted 40w help the 52oz? Which provides better results, the frosted bulb or a dimmer. Could someone point me to the exact link of the dimmer I would need. I can't seem to find one anywhere

First off I have posted several pictures, plus 3 videos. I even took pictures of the bulbs. Anyway, I have a 52 oz that is driving me nuts. It seem to just keep one blob at the bottom and spits out little circles of wax. I posted several picture of it. It's been running for 8 hours. Before I go any further I'd like to add that I pointed a fan on it after taking the pictures and it seemed to run better for a few minutes. However, it didn't last very long. It's running on a 40 watt bulb that came with the lamp. Please check the pictures. I'd like to mention, that as soon as I pointed my very powerful fan on it, the blob broke up and moved around great for a few minutes. I was so happy, but then as the fan stayed pointed on it longer, you could tell it was cooling down and one big blob at the bottom, and the blobs up top started to fall. *I have cut it off for the night*

On to the green and blue one. It's brand new as well. It was running fine earlier. Now the blobs of wax will never reach the top. They get halfway and fall right back down into one glob again. They'll break off again, a big blob, move half way up the lamp and fall right back to the bottom. There will be two at the bottom and then they form into one again. Taking a few minutes to break off and try to move back up the lamp, only to fall back into one again. Earlier it was moving all the way to the top and the back down. It's not doing that right now.

And, the last one. It was my first. It was given to me by a friend. It's terribly, terribly cloudy. It was shook up as a joke to someone else. i asked if I could have it just to see what I could do with it. For two days I didn't run it. It sat with all the wax just stuck to the top. I read this site http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Schieben/lava.html and it advises to let it run for 8 hours, off a day, 8 hours, off day, 8 hours, off a day. I have just completed my first 8 hours. After the 3rd time it says to pour the water off and fill it back up with "WATER" says it worked like a charm. How is this possible? From what I am reading it takes more than just water.

Anyway, could you look at my pics and tell me what may be wrong with either of the 2 new lamps. Why is the green and blue one's wax no longer rising to the top and falling back down?

Why does the 52oz just spit out little small circles of wax and always have that big blob at the bottom?

I do keep my room pretty cool. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it or not, but it probably does. The house has Central Air, and both lamps are away from the vents. Just hoping that someone can give me some advice. Do I change the bulbs? Is the 40 watt heating the 52 oz up to much maybe? Is my room to cool? That darn green and blue one has been running three hours now, and still has not reached the top like it was doing earlier.

Hoping I get some advice before these things drive me nuts. I have to admit I do love them, but what the heck!! I have attached pictures of each one.

1. The green and blue - Can't get the molds of wax to rise to the top and drop back down again. They get so close, but fall right back down into one blob.

2. The 52 oz ran 8 hours and the pictures you see are the full effect I got from it. Only when I pointed a fan at it did it seem to break up that big blob (FINALLY) only lated minutes though.

3. All the wax that was stuck to the top of the cloudy lamp has melted and fell back down like it should. It is off now. Should I try the advice from here http://www.angelfire.com/tn/Schieben/lava.html Is that going to work. If not, how can i remove the cloudiness?

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