Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


My friend brought over a century 52oz bottle with a gold screw on cap. For the life of us, we cannot get the cap to unscrew, even on the carpet with a rubber oven mit.

What is the next step, we even tried hot water on the cap to break it free.

Please let me know what you guys would try next. This is in prep for a goo kit.



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Gentle but firm hand pressure.  You're using the right approach but sometimes those caps are really hard to loosen.  Don't use any tools or you risk breaking the cap.

I don't know if heating the cap with a hair dryer will work but it is something you can try.  There's not any glue or adhesive used, just the friction of the cap and O-ring.

Cap Snaffler
Another wonder product from RONCO!

I have a knockoff one bought at a Walmart in my lava lab collection since the beginning


One of these works well for stubborn caps too


And Keith is right,  use a hair dryer to help loosen

Just don't let it sit in one spot too long

Use a blow dryer on it.  The heat will help to loosen it.  And while it's hot, use a rubber husband to twist it off.

Thanks for the input, I will give the blower try a first since I get a shity one from walmart fro $10 lol. Will update when I hopefully get it off

Well guys I remembered an old trick my pops taught me with regards to old paint cans. Tape around the edge with the fat side of a screw driver. I simply taped around the cap in a circular motion a few times and voila, screwed right off, can you believe that. The bottle is now warming up to empty contents :)

I can't believe I put TAPE instead of TAP lol.

I would of done both so i didnt nick the edges of the cap

kero48 said:

I can't believe I put TAPE instead of TAP lol.

Lol but I didn't tap the edge of the cap, tapped around the top in a circular motion.

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