Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I sold a lava lamp on eBay. The metallic blue. Someone used buy it now and it was purchased on a Sunday (March 29th). The item was packed and readied for shipment for the next day - Monday (March 30th). The item was delivered 2 days later (Wednesday April 1st). At least, the tracking info said the delivery was attempted but a notice was left. This was on the 1st of April. On the 6th I get a messaging asking me where the lamp was. I looked up the tracking and sent the info to the buyer.

An attempt was made to deliver, however it was not and a notice was left that the person could pick it up at the post office. It would be sent back after 15 days. There was no response back from the buyer.

April 11th, I get another notice again asking where the package was. Again, I send the same information and ask if the user is even reading/receiving them. Again, no response. The next day on the 12th of April, I get a message from the user stating the lamp finally arrive after 2 weeks of shipping inquiries and waiting. Hmm. Two weeks huh? Anyone do math? He is stating that it's cloudy and wax is now hardened on the sides. He is unhappy and threatening a PayPal refund initiation.

I explain to him in several messages - because he seems to either not be reading what I am sending him, ignoring it or something I yet to fully understand - that there is nothing I can do because of poor communication on his end. This is the result of him not reading what I sent him. Along with USPS leaving a notice. He would need to speak with the post office to find out what happened. The item is insured, but I told him I would not be doing the leg work but I would provide any information he needs. He is not worth the effort. Especially when he is threatening to leave negative. I have 100% positive.

Anyways, long story short - I feel this is his problem. I would take full responsibility if my packaging was terrible, lost or delayed because of me, however this was not my fault. It was his/USPS. He is hinting on me sending him another lamp and I told him, I don't have one and if I did, I would not be exchanging it.

I have sold 3 of these lamps. One to him, two to the same person. No issues. All were crystal clear and flowing nice. All were brand new as well.

ugh, I guess - just be careful. There are people out there that always want something for nothing.

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Yea those idiots are out there, you don't deal with them too often but every now and then you do. :( There really is no way of knowing either. When I had my little falling out with that crazy seller a few months ago I just thoroughly explained to paypal and was patient and the matter was resolved. Hopefully Kris if you explain to them and possibly eBay you can avoid the negative feedback but I hate to say this if he's already threatening it he's probably gonna do it. My advice would be keep your cool as this get piss anyone off and thats when people explode. You want eBay on your side. Try and gather all evidence that the package was delivered on the 1st and send that info to Paypal asap. Best of luck to you.
I think your last statement is touching on his issue. I think he found something out that changed his mind. All his messages were written as if the lamp was trashed from the get go or I was out to rip him off. He never once responded to my messages and even in his negative feedback (yeah, he left it this morning), he claims it was delayed delivery. He is ignoring everything I told him. Paypal also sends out a notice when a seller creates a shipping label through them for an auction. Dunno about you all but I am on top of all my shipments and check tracking every day to make sure all is well.

Suffice to say - negative feedback was given to me. Delayed Shipping - Poor Product. Even though it was delivered 3 days after purchase and it was brand new. I think he was out to get something for free or figured he paid too much. Not going to happen either way.

Oh well - live and learn :) It just irritates me because my feedback went from 100% to 96.2% - Makes me look terrible.
Sellers can not leave buyers negative feedback anymore. Been that way for a while. Only positive or neutral. I did leave a response to my positive feedback I left him though. At this point, what's done is done. I can't change it.
Yup, going to keep it all just in case. I believe in Karma so it's all good :)
I thanked god when they stopped sellers from leaving negative feedback. The buyer's only obligation is to pay, so they should not even get any feedback- It is the seller who has all the responsibility (describe the item accurately, pack it well, and ship it in a timely manner). I have had a few sellers wait till I leave negative feedback, then they counter with retaliatory negative feedback that is undeserved, now I can be honest without fear of revenge with the new setup. Unfortunately there is this flip situation with stupid buyers like yours, sorry about that, but you can also reply to the feedback they leave explaining what happened and why, and since it is your only negative, other buyers will know that that buyer was just a flamming idiot. Don't sweat it.
I had them find in favor of a Seller that ripped me off, and I simply did not accept their judgement. I threatened them (PayPal) with a charge back with my credit card company and I called and spoke to a PayPal representative and explained the situation in detail and asked her point blank if she could really find in favor of the Seller, and she said no. So, what happened, I got my money back and the Seller kept my money. PayPal fitted the bill and I got to keep the item. That Seller was an evil Bitch too, and had way too much negative feedback. I wrote her a special note when ebay changed the policy to "Seller's can't leave negatives for buyers". I hope she goes broke- total loser. Rant over. Feel Better Now.
Yeah, I was in the same boat as you. I was always fearful of leaving the appropriate feedback because the sellers will retaliate back no matter what. My only obligation as a buyer is to pay. That's it. I had 2 sellers retaliate after leaving neutral feedback. One did a negative. I hated that. This was years ago. Now I can be honest without fear. However, my recent attempt at that netted me a positive, with a negative comment. Lol. Gotta love that.

Anyways, I am working with this gentleman now to see if he can get ebay to remove the negative and I will "ship him 2 replacements" once that is done. I told him that is only fair.
I agree, it's not perfect, I am happy to buy or sell with anyone on here directly any day over ebay. They do take too much fees for sure, but I have to disagree with the Seller being able to leave negative feedback statement, I know it goes both ways, but really you can't leave a buyer negative feedback just because they are dissatisfied or rude or leave you negative, that is just retaliation- The only reason I could think of where it would be appropriate to give a buyer a negative would be for non-payment, or very slow payment. Ebay should offer to remove such feedback on a Seller from a Buyer if the Seller can prove the statements false, especially delivery Conflicts, but they don't- it would take actually having to have a work force and a phone number which ebay doesn't have. Where do all the fees go, with such a lack of customer support? In their pockets, thats where. Jerks!! Can you guys tell I have a lot to say about ebay? Hate Them and Love Them.
Well, the feedback system is better now, but it does lack in one area. How do you leave a buyer negative that just tried to swindle you? Or in my case, one that does not respond to messages at all and leaves you negative for something that was incorrect to begin with?

Thats where it gets murky. They need to fix it or come up with a better system.
There is a teal lava lamp on there. Too rich for my blood though. $39 + $20 shipping.
Ha, a positive with a negative comment- that is great, too bad it doesn't effect your score, and a buyer will likely never read it- they are only interested in seeing what happened in the negative instances, another reason to make sure you reply to his negative, so buyers that read it at least see your explanation.
I agree, but I still prefer it the way it is now over the way it was before, but it still needs a lot of improvement.

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