Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi All,

I've got a Mathmos Jet lamp that has lost the violet colour from its liquid. What's the best way of restoring it? The bottle has a screw cap so it shouldn't be a problem to open.



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Here's my method, and don't be shy about sharing pictures of your project!  :)


Cheers Keith. I'll just have to find a violet highlighter. It should be a little easier for me as the bottle in my jet has a screw cap.

Would liquid food colouring work do you think? Figure it would be easier to just drop a bit into the bottle.

Yes, food colouring works.  However it may or may not last long term.  I have ran into fading problems with it.  That being said, if it does fade again it can be redone without any harm.

Daz said:

Cheers Keith. I'll just have to find a violet highlighter. It should be a little easier for me as the bottle in my jet has a screw cap.

Would liquid food colouring work do you think? Figure it would be easier to just drop a bit into the bottle.

Great. Thanks Keith :)

Get yourself a colour inkjet refill kit, used for refilling printer cartridges. The ink is water based, and usually very fade resistant. You don't need a lot, just a few drops of cyan and magenta to produce a nice violet like the original. 

Cheers Eilot. I'll look into it.

Eliot said:

Get yourself a colour inkjet refill kit, used for refilling printer cartridges. The ink is water based, and usually very fade resistant. You don't need a lot, just a few drops of cyan and magenta to produce a nice violet like the original. 

I've never tried that so I tend to forget it.  I do want to try it though.  

Eliot said:

Get yourself a colour inkjet refill kit, used for refilling printer cartridges. The ink is water based, and usually very fade resistant. You don't need a lot, just a few drops of cyan and magenta to produce a nice violet like the original. 

Hi all I was wondering I have a crestworth astro with a blue blue bottle I'd like to go clear blue any ideas ? 

I've seen a clear blue astro but the wax would not rise any ideas I think the guy used deionised water but had no idea how to get it to rise ?? 

If you’ve got the patience, leave it in sunlight. 

I think every purple liquid in my lamps somehow always faded

I think any lamp I had with a purple liquid faded

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