Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have an old glitter globe that I picked up at the goodwill. The globe leaks from the top and is only about half full. This is what I want to do, please let me know if it will work. I thought about pouring the glitter globe out and straining the glitter into a coffee filter. Then I want to add the glitter to a lava globe. Can you mix the two? I was thinking about trying it out on one of my cheap china made globes. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. 

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The glitter won't stay in the liquid. It will go into the lava and make it chunky and clog the flow. :(

Thank you, I'm glad I asked before trying this mad experiment.

You're welcome! I think everybody wonders this at some point.

I know I did...and that's how I know! LOL!

Yeah. Didn't work. :p

But I think glitter in transparent lava would look really cool...

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