Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I'm just about ready to start mixin' shit up but I have two mucho importante vital questions. I'm making a 135 oz lava lamp from scratch that I've aptly named ...."THE EXORCIST." I have all my supplies ready to go...All i need to know is the AMOUNT of wax I'm putting in the bottle (i have 4 pounds(white) ready to melt). ALSO...My 2nd dilemma is I am going to make 2 of the 4 pounds of wax red...and leave the remaining 2 pounds white ...and then use them both in the lamp as RED & WHITE...HOW DO i DO THAT? I'M USING RED WAX DYE to color the 1st 2 pounds. Will it bleed into my white half...I want them to be separate...ONE ALL WHITE...ONE ALL RED. (but living in the same bottle)

Thanks in advance for your help,


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Are you using goo kit wax? If not what wax are you using? I tried canning wax to make my own lamp and it was a bust. I tried it for shits n giggles.

I don't think You gonna make it out. Waxes will mix with itself when melted. Just like two different juices in single glass.

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