Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

An esteemed member has been featured in NY Magazine

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Awesome article! Thanks Rob! :) Love that photo, too. 

Same as Erin said. :)

Awesome article. He even gives a shout out to Oozing Goo. Very cool. I LOL when he said in the article how he yells no no no at people who wanna touch his Fantasia. I can relate. Peeps know not to touch mine. I hand them a cheap plastic one when they say they can't take it anymore. XD

cool write-up and shout-out to the OG nuts!

I'm inspired!  Great photo.

Loving everything Bryin has. His tastes are right up my street.

..and as for that chair. It Totally Rocks (in a rock and roll way)...

eFFin Aye! 

Modulo '70 loves that sputnik lamp. One of the best examples i've seen.

Gotta agree. Whatever it is, no matter how rare, chances are, Bryin has one.

...and I think that's the chair that actually has little stereo speakers in it.

 Awesome to see Bryin in the article. I sooooooo want that chair :)

Got any in your car??  

Seriously great collection and article.

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