Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have waited for 2 months on this consort to have any clearing up and none has happened. It is time for the refill. Does anyone have any half filled 32 oz globes first and if not i will spare one. Now Autumn i need instructions on how to do this. I took off the lid and the hole is really small. How do i get the wax and fluids in? Also what should i do with the leftover contents and lastly (for now) how do i choose the right globe? i have a sticky blue what that is junk and has a burned coil, a nice lime green clear, or a slightly hazy red clear. I like the lime green for this but it has a tornado flow. I think i should use the blue white and fade it and add green food color to it. Thanks for the help and soon i will have a nice flowing CLEAR consort. :D

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Slightly off topic...Do you really like Spam?


I really do and used to enjoy Spam Fritters in school. They were quite oily though.

we would of starved to death after all three the hurricanes we have been thru if it wasnt for Spam.. Of course outside of those times Spam is banned from my house!!!  lol
Gosh, we really may have starved.  Thanks for Spam!
how was the flow mike?
conosrt is flowing green clear. just a slight sticking that needs to be scratched off or ignored until it is gone

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