Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone interested in a US-plugged Telstar with two globes?

Hey all,

I have realized that I am kind of partial to the Astro style lamps from Mathmos so I am thinking that I should sell my US-plugged Telstar. I bought it a couple years ago when lights.com had Telstar lamps for sale here in the US. I bought the clear with pink lava version. Then, on a trip to the UK, I picked up an extra globe (had it shipped to my hotel along with some Astro stuff)... That globe is blue with green lava.

Anyway... as hard as I find it to sell... I need to make room! Anyone want to make an offer? PM me!

Otherwise, I will put them on ebay (would rather sell here). 

I'd like to minimize shipping hassle so it will be a US-only sale (funny considering Mathmos tends to be UK only!)

Best regards,


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I'd love to make an offer, but it wouldn't be what they're worth. These are beautiful lamps. Good luck!

Hi there! I just stumbled upon this website and saw this thread. I've been looking for a Mathmos Telstar lamp for awhile now but just can't find a suitable one on ebay (Usually they don't ship to US, or they're to expensive) I was first wondering what sort of condition yours is in and also what your asking price is! I see this is from a few days ago so if you've already posted it on ebay I would love a link to it! :D

Congrats to Erin! 

I had to make room for a new lamp, so here is a photo of the Telstar (very low miles) getting ready to be shipped!

Thank you so much Chuck! I'm so excited to see it in person :D I'll be sure to show a pic or two of it running when it arrives

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