Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate


I just want to let you know I ordered in March a Lavalamp from Otherland Toys, and they nearly stole my money!

The lamp was in stock when I ordered it, they never shipped it, and when I asked a refund, they first didn't answer, then tell me I was refunded, but I wasn't.

Until today!

I finaly got my money back (less the Paypal comission of course!)

Is it because of this message? I don't know..

Anyway I would avoid this company now.


PS: I have edited this message as I finaly got my money back.

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Are they an Internet business or walk-in store? Never heard of them. 

I had ordered this:


they were the only one with this lamp "in stock" when I ordered it March 20th.

I had to fight to get my money back, so avoid them at all cost!

That sucks.

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