Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Thought I would just post these pictures to a thread as you can see them all in one spot this way.

The guy selling all the lamps, Patrick - https://oozinggoo.ning.com/profile/BlackGermanShepherd.

Met Patrick, oddly enough, selling a lava lamp on Craigslist.  He dropped a Benjamin and took home one of Marley Grandes.  Started talking, indicated that he was a massage therapist, and wound up that he was an instructor at the Chicago School of Massage Therapy for a good college buddy of mine.  Small world indeed and we were just bound to become friends.

Great guy with an insane lamp collection.  Happy to say I have added a few to his collection.  Some of his displays have been deconstructed in anticipation of his impending move.  The others... well, they just sort of fit with the rest of the decor.

To start, above the kitchen cabinets.

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Above the door leading out of the kitchen.

Wolverine poster in the kitchen.

Blade Runner poster in the kitchen.

Nightmare on Elm Street poster in the kitchen.  I don't think you can see a square millimeter of bare wall in the kitchen. 

The family/tv room.  To the right of the Colossus would have been about 15 or so Giants and Grandes running the length of the wall.  Already dismantled. 

Coaches seem to be Patrick's thing.  Has at least three in his apartment plus who knows how many in the basement.

Colossus #2

Colossus #3.  Will try to get a picture of Patrick wearing the Bear costume.  I do believe he wears it to Bears games.  Da Bears!!!

jim - thanks for the photos!  this place seems really chill.  it reminds me of a friend's apartment in college, minus the lamps.  i can appreciate the eclectic nature of the decorations.

Nice symmetrical display of new Lava Lite shwag.  Pair of Heritage Grandes, paid of Heritage Wizards and a Neon Blue midnight Century custom.  Patrick was my travel buddy and we picked up our Heritage lamps in person from Susan Michaels.  Patrick ordered one of everything. 

Oh... and the one in the middle is not for sale.  And if were for sale it would be mine. 

... and Colossus #4

Lava Dog

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