Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

does anyone have a blood-red lava lamp for sale? i can't find a single lava lamp with blood-red. it's always too light. it must still be blood-red when turned on. thanks.

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Purples that look blue and blues that look purple I've seen both cases

I think I am going to have to do that too, Jus.   I'll take about 100 pics and 2 will be lovely......LOL

I still haven't figured out the color issue either.  I noticed some ebay sellers' purple Wizards look purple, and other look blue and they have to tell you they are really purple.  So, apparently we aren't the only ones with that problem!  :-)
Jus said:

I take lots of pics both ways (with & w/out flash), and from lots of different angles.  Then when I sit down to really look at the pics, I can usually find some that look good enough to keep.  This color issue I can't figure out...

Purple is hard for any camera to caputure well, then digital camera process and compress the image to a jpeg file making things much worse. Film camera can also struggle with purples too.

Best way is adjust the colour in photoshop, even better is take RAW photos if the camera can making editing easier and no loss of image quality

Adam, I have never used Photoshop and although I have read about photo editing, I don't know how to take RAW photos.  I have a little "point and shoot" camera.   I am more familiar with working with very "old" ancestor photos, since I am into genealogy.  I had a great photo program years ago, but it has been discontinued.  I can't even get my photos to post on this site.  I had to email them to another member and he put them on for me.  It tells me the file is too large, and they are just snapshots.  Go figure?
Adam Wood said:

Purple is hard for any camera to caputure well, then digital camera process and compress the image to a jpeg file making things much worse. Film camera can also struggle with purples too.

Best way is adjust the colour in photoshop, even better is take RAW photos if the camera can making editing easier and no loss of image quality

How do you get photos to post on here I tried but could not

I followed the directions to post, Samantha, but it won't post mine either.  I have no idea why.  Maybe someone will start a thread on the proper way to post pics for us!!   I hope so.    There are a couple of choices and I am not sure which to pick.  I just browed my computer and picked out the pics, but there is something that says "fast upload" or something like that.  I don't know what that is.
Samantha Gregory said:

How do you get photos to post on here I tried but could not
Yeah someone should do that

not posted a photo so here goes.... will it work...


Now how did you post attachments here?  I can' t even post a picture to the group.  ARGGGGG

Did you use one of those buttons above to do that?   Was it the "Link" button?  I know what the rest of them are.

works for me, files straight from the camera with no resizing needed and the pictures are quite large.

filesizes were 1.2mb , 2mb, and 2.4mb

if it does complain about picture size or file size theres websites that will resize picures for you and free software to do it on the pc.

DRAT!!!   I have to learn to do this!!!   BTW, love the pics!!   You have a Telstar just like mine.

i just used the picture button to upload pictures from computer, and the upload files link to attach files, it just worked as expected

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