Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey guys,
I have my blue/ blue Mathmos flowing right now. The wax looks purple, why is this? Can someone shed light on why this happens? The wax looks blue when it is cool but when it's running it looks purple. As with all the Mathmos lamps, I have rewired it according to Brad's instructional. I hope to read from you soon, thanks!

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Hi Mathmos Lover and welcome to aboard!

I suspect you have a faded blue/blue, if yours is purple when flowing I'm quit envious... purple Mathmos wax is as rare as hens teeth!!!

In the past I have bid on and won two so called blue/purples of ebay but they were faded blues IMO and appear to be a dull cranberry colour to my eye.

Well I did pick it up on eBay as a used lamp. I also have a faded violet/red that looks clear/red. The blue/blue lamp that I am referring to is actually my icon. The flow isn't all that great. The violet/ red ones are better as the blue one bubbles more like my aristocrat. They are all great though. The purple is definitely strange but it's pretty cool to look at. Thanks for the compliment!

Aladdin 2 Lava said:

Hi Mathmos Lover and welcome to aboard!

I suspect you have a faded blue/blue, if yours is purple when flowing I'm quit envious... purple Mathmos wax is as rare as hens teeth!!!

In the past I have bid on and won two so called blue/purples of ebay but they were faded blues IMO and appear to be a dull cranberry colour to my eye.


I bought a blue/blue Mathmos Jet a few weeks ago from ebay.

The un-melted wax is a deep blue but when flowing looks violet/purple.

The condition of the box and the wax is perfect and the liquid is crystal so I assumed this was the original effect.

I have been wondering what it would look like if I changed the standard reflector bulb for a blue reflector (but I can only find 25w bulbs)

The wax should be deep blue Scott... I'm guessing it fades with time/use or maybe how the lamp was stored if not over used.
Scott Meek said:


I bought a blue/blue Mathmos Jet a few weeks ago from ebay.

The un-melted wax is a deep blue but when flowing looks violet/purple.

The condition of the box and the wax is perfect and the liquid is crystal so I assumed this was the original effect.

I have been wondering what it would look like if I changed the standard reflector bulb for a blue reflector (but I can only find 25w bulbs)

BTW... I wanted a Raleigh Chopper so bad as a kid... I never got one :(
Aladdin 2 Lava said:

The wax should be deep blue Scott... I'm guessing it fades with time/use or maybe how the lamp was stored if not over used.
Scott Meek said:


I bought a blue/blue Mathmos Jet a few weeks ago from ebay.

The un-melted wax is a deep blue but when flowing looks violet/purple.

The condition of the box and the wax is perfect and the liquid is crystal so I assumed this was the original effect.

I have been wondering what it would look like if I changed the standard reflector bulb for a blue reflector (but I can only find 25w bulbs)

Im with Pete, I like the color!!!  I have several blue's, but not mathmos and they still look like a plum/purpleish when lit and running!!!


Thanks for the reply Carol!
Yeah I love it too because it's so different. It looks almost neon or something when it's lit up and bubbling. It has a darker appearance than say the violet/red lamp but it is definitely nice to look at. I would really like to get it to flow better though. Do you think a dimmer would help it flow more rather than bubble or is it just too old to flow? It doesn't bubble after getting too hot or anything, it just bubbles immediately. Do you think that is something a dimmer could help out with or not really?

Carol said:

Im with Pete, I like the color!!!  I have several blue's, but not mathmos and they still look like a plum/purpleish when lit and running!!!


What are your thoughts on adding Goo Kit blue dye to the Mathmos Wax?

Would this work to darken the wax back to deep blue?

PS. Aladdin 2 Lava - I didn't have a Raleigh Chopper as a kid either I had to wait until I was in my late 20's and bought one as a project. It ended up looking like something out of Quadrophenia with mirrors up the long handle bars. I now have 2 Choppers packed away for when my kids are big enough to ride them.

This is indeed one of the original mathmos blue/blue lamps they released in the 90's that has faded. You will often see these for sale on ebay and the like as "magic wax" lamps, and extortionate prices being charged for them.

Thanks for your reply! So is it just the wax that has faded? The liquid still looks as it should. How the heck did the wax fade? Just from regular use? What about the bubbling? Is that characteristic also due to the wax just being old and cooked? Please get back to me on this as I am new to it all. Thanks again for taking the time to reply!

Kaia1165 said:

This is indeed one of the original mathmos blue/blue lamps they released in the 90's that has faded. You will often see these for sale on ebay and the like as "magic wax" lamps, and extortionate prices being charged for them.

I like the purple color. It's really different. I wouldn't add anything to a Mathmos lamp. I'd probably screw it up and regret it.

Kaia1165 said:

This is indeed one of the original mathmos blue/blue lamps they released in the 90's that has faded. You will often see these for sale on ebay and the like as "magic wax" lamps, and extortionate prices being charged for them.

Gotta watch that on Ebay I've noticed!!!  They will sell faded out lamps for rarities......like a faded yellow will tried to be passed as a rare white/clear...... (just a for instance!!)


Something I learned from the OG......watch your cap codes.  If seller doesn't want to show a pic of such, BUYER BEWARE, but also sometimes the cap codes are so faded that they will try to pass off that way also.

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