Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I picked up a not-quite-vintage lamp at a thrift store recently and tried to replace the liquid; the yellow goo in a clear but slightly cloudy liquid looked too much like raw eggs, so I made a new liquid following the salt/dish-soap formula and added red food coloring to the water.

Things were okay for a few days, but apparently something is out of balance and my goo has developed "bubbles" of liquid.  They look just like air bubbles within the mass of the wax, but they're filled with the water.

Aside from this, the action is okay, but the longer the lamp is on, the more bubbles are created.

I wanted to post here first to see if this was a common problem with a known solution, before I went experimenting and made things worse.

I'd link to the photos I just uploaded, but I'm not familiar enough with this interface to see how yet.

Suggestions for fixing are most welcome.


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Yes, it happens. I still have some in mine, though I wasn't the one who filtered to fluid ;D They do disappear with time & don't effect the way the lamp runs. I haven't found a way to make them disappear, yet.

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