Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I tried to use the Lava Lite Cap Code reference but O3 in the chart says clear/blue wax. Mine is clear/yellow wax. Can anyone help me with the model/year? Thanks in advance.

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Your lamp is from 1999. The blue liquid has faded probably from sunlight exposure while the yellow wax is how white wax ages. 

Thanks for your input but I really don't think the color could be from sun exposure - to totally morph the wax color and liquid seems a stretch especially when the cap, base and electrical cord are in excellent/near mint condition - if there was sun exposure, they would also show degrees of fading or damage which they do not. 

CrunchyCanadian said:

Your lamp is from 1999. The blue liquid has faded probably from sunlight exposure while the yellow wax is how white wax ages. 

Good call.

might the globe be from another lamp?

No, these lamp versions were produced with the globe and the base glued together, any attempted to pry them apart would be utter destruction.

andy ross said:

might the globe be from another lamp?

??? …then how do you change the bulb? Lol

Oh man, am I am idiot, of course it comes off, jezus...

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