Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have been trying to get my '93 aristocrat's wax to completely stick to the coil by swirling the globe around, moving the coil with a magnet, and just cycling it. I don't think it's going to stick on its own, so I am going to clean the coil. I understand the process, however I am not sure if I should put the cap back on while the lamp is hot or cold. I searched on this sight and have found conflicting answers. How was the lamp originally capped, what have any of you done when re-sealing the screw cap 52 oz lava lite globes?

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Is it a screw top or bottle cap? I like to cap them hot, just for peace of mind. That way when the lamp is fully warmed up and all the wax/liquid has done its expansion, there will be neutral or no pressure in the globe. If you cap or cold, when it heats up it'll create some pressure. However I dont think it matters a whole lot as some of the LL lamps are capped cold. I think a well crimped bottle cap will hold the pressure anyways
It's a twist off cap. So, the bottle and cap will handle the pressure either way?
It should be fine but if it's a twist just let it get hot then twist it on so it's capped at its maximum expansion and potential pressure.

I always cap mine when they are warm, but not blazing hot. I aim for "neutral" to be normal running temperature. That way you don't have to worry about globes imploding if they get too cold, also.

Ok thanks for the input, I'll get to cleaning the coil as soon as I have time. I'm not too nervous about opening a 90s lamp, the worst they have is perc, no carbon tetrachloride, right?
I've drank a couple, you'll be okay ;)

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