Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Due to an unfortunate dresser disaster, The globe of my beloved century lamp (circa 1977) shattered.  I now have a good base, screw cap, coil and 98% of the original red goo.  I’m looking to buy an affordable screw top century globe, or will sell the cap, base, coil and goo.  TIA

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I think I have one in the basement, if so you can have it for 5€. Only problem is that I'm located in germany which makes postage somewhat expensive but the good part is, I think I also have an original cemtury box down there which I would also send you wrapped it some paper so the shipping lable doesnt stick on the box itself. 

Thanks….Yes, I would be interested….I’m thinking shipping would be 35-40€ ? It would ship to usa 32034 postal code.

Arne said:

I think I have one in the basement, if so you can have it for 5€. Only problem is that I'm located in germany which makes postage somewhat expensive but the good part is, I think I also have an original cemtury box down there which I would also send you wrapped it some paper so the shipping lable doesnt stick on the box itself. 

oh sorry just saw yourr reply now. Ok I'll have a look for the bottle today. Postage is a whopping 47,99 Euros though but I can have a look if other companies than dhl are cheaper. Doubt it though.

Thanks….Postage is in the range I thought….still overall the best option over what I’m finding here stateside.

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