Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have an Inspired Designs ferrofluid lamp. The other day, I noticed the liquid in it is rather hazy. I would like to replace the fluid. I did this once with a cheapo gas pump lamp, using distilled water and surf from a goo kit, and it went from barely visible to crystal clear. What I want to know, is it possible to do this with a the ferrofluid lamp, or will it mess things up?

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Hi, Mike. This is Kyle, the creator of the ferrofluid lamp you bought. ;)

It will mess things up. Bad. The proprietary master fluid is specifically engineered to both preserve the ferrofluid as well as keep it from sticking to the glass. It's not as simple as just water and surf like an ordinary lava lamp.

I see you bought the lamp all the back in September of 2016. The formula has gone through some modifications over the years. Is the ferrofluid solid or liquid at room temperature in your model?

Oh wow. Talk about service!!! Mine is solid, just enough to fill the little notch at the bottom of the bottle

Usually the lamp only get's cloudy if it's been shaken a lot such as during rough shipping. This is often fixed by cycling the lamp on and off for a few hours a few times. Sometimes it can also get cloudy for sitting too long such as in storage. This is often fixed using the same cycling method. 

If the lamp isn't cloudy at room temperature, but is getting cloudy while it's on, then it's a different problem. It may mean that you need to use a lower wattage bulb (create less heat.) 

If none of the above seems to help reach out to me via the website and see how else I can help.


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