Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello everyone, its been some time since i was an active poster here but i come and check things out every now and then. Anyway, I picked up a new hobby a little over a year ago that takes much more of my time and attention than Lava Lamps and so I have been putting my lamps away little by little and only keeping a few out.

I decided it is time to sell out most of what i have and i figured i would use ebay but it may be worth to post here before to see if anyone is interested in some before they go on ebay.

Most of my collection is late90s or early 2000s 32oz lamps and some 52oz. Also have like 4 heritage grande, a few with custom colors and one gookit that flows amazing. Im willing to sell them all, if anyone is interested please reply here and ill be posting up pics of what i have as well as an organized list to make it easier.

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Forgot to add; also have a couple of heritage grande. One has been gookitted with electric orange wax that looks really good. Ill get some pics of that too.

You said Heritages with custom colors? Factory custom or kitted custom?

Both, actually haha. I have one original clear/pink grande (the early ones that came with two coils), a clear/pink grande that i dyed purple/pink (and added a second coil or else it wouldnt flow, now its beautiful), and a third grande that has been goo kitted to a "electric fire" orange color, its truly a beautiful shade of orange that took tinkering to achieve.

Jonas Clark-Elliott said:

You said Heritages with custom colors? Factory custom or kitted custom?

Interested in the clear/red #10. Any defects, gunk in the coil? 

What do you have left?  I'm looking for a 90's one with a black base clear liquid and yellow goo.

Any Jupiter2 or lavalamp glitterball / aluminium? 

Yes sliver 52oz cap and any 32oz clear fluid globes with and or midnight bases i can get, or try and track down ?
That is if any remain

Hello all, here is an updated list of what is available. If you have any questions or want more pics of a specific lamp then just let me know.

32oz Lamps (all usa globes):

-Black base, pink/pink #04 (rare)

-Black base (plastic cap), yellow/red #02

-Silver base, pink/white #04

-Silver base, clear/red #10

-Siver base, purple/yellow #25

-Silver base, clear/teal #17

-Blue Swirl, blue/white #03

-52oz Heritage gold base yellow/red globe (can be gookitted to color of choice but flows fine as is.)

-3x heritage grande:



-clear/fire orange (gookit, color can be tweaked or redone completely)

What do you need for the clear and pink Heritage grande and your midnight pink and pink that was my first lamp but it sat in the sun the first 15 years i owned it its almost clear now lol let me know !! That would be sweet !!

Lamps are still available, message with any questions. I need to clear out some space. Thank you all

So what do you need for the clear and pink grande and the midnight 32oz lamps pink and pink and yellow and red shot me a price on just the two 32oz and a price on just the clear and pink grande and a price for alm three ?? Please if still available !

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