Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Found oozinggoo.com when I was looking for ways to repair the Grande I picked up at CostCo a few years ago.  It's one of the Chinese made ones that has gone extremely cloudy and ceased to flow (going to try replacing the fluid one of these weekends). 

It was here that I found out about really big Lava lamps.  I was bowled over by videos of the  Colossus lamps and really want to see if I could get one, I couldn't find them available anywhere so I wrote LavaLite.  I wanted to let this group know what I got this from Lava Lite today:

We have a special promo on the Colossus for serious buyers.   This will be the last time the Colossus will be seen.

Please see attached promo sheet with pricing included.

If you are interested please contact on my direct line at 630-496-6663.


Best regards,


Susan Michaels

Customer Service Representative


630-496-6663 direct line



Sadly these prices are outside of my discretionary funds, even though they include shipping.  I post it in hopes that someone here may be interested.


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Speaking of butts...after 3 awesome runs, THIS one I have had to reset stuck flow 4 times so far. When I woke up, my lamp was mooning me. :(

I was unamused by this behavior.

double not working? lol

Jim said:

I hope the upcoming lamp stands about 6'5" and has a 20 gallon globe. 

That would be sweet!

Jim said:

I hope the upcoming lamp stands about 6'5" and has a 20 gallon globe. 

im sure Mathmos has a trademark on them...

Ben said:

I agree. I look longingly at Smart Astros and wonder why LL hasn't come into the 21st century. I too see a dual approach with cheaper intro lamps with incandescent bulbs and a high-end line with LEDs. Maybe they'll offer LED/heating element retrofit kits for our old lamps!

Critter said:

My guess is that it involves the American production and a return to building some quality lamps again.  The current business model is not viable (cheap Chinese production with low quality) for the long term and as we all know LL's reputation has taken a hit in the last decade.  

I can see the Chinese, Walmart quality lamps continuing for now.  However, in addition to that a second line of higher grade lamps with at least some American manufacturing involvement coming out to supplement the product range is quite likely.  Albiet, these lamps would likely carry a higher price point, and that is fine by me because I prefer to spend my money on quality products that work from the time I open the packaging and for the twenty years that follow!  Anyhow, that's my prediction.

But, perhaps in the end we'll see a combination of Chinese made parts (stands, bottles, etc) with final assembly and filling occurring in the U.S.  


Oh, and I too am excited for what is coming.

Kirk said:

I was talking to Susan Michaels at LL earlier in the week, and she let me know that LL is coming out with a couple of lamps in the fall that all of her Colossus buyers would be interested in.  Hmmm.... I wonder what they are?  She's not saying.  :>)

She has us all in an email group and is planning on notifying us about the new lamps in the fall.  Here's hoping for a great surprise!  Any guesses?

I have a mid 90's globe that the wax will not stick to the coil at all.  I have tried cycling it several times with no success.  Since then Jus has posted a way to superheat the coil that allows the wax to stick, but getting the coil out of a 32 oz is a lot easier than a Colossus. :(

Ben said:

While I had the globe off and on the couch to swap bulbs, I was surprised to see the wax was completely unattached from the coils (see photos).  This is after a cool-down from a stuck flow.  I would have assumed the wax would reconnect to the coils after a cool down.  I've never seen the wax unattached in my smaller lamps.  Since it's so heavy, I can't lift it to see what the wax & coil are doing while its running but I can see down inside.  As I type this, with the new bulb installed, it has the same "crater" in the middle of the wax and I can see bare glass and coil at the bottom.  The globe hasn't finished warming up yet; temp is 99 degrees at the moment.  This does not look promising at all. 

Is the wax likely to reconnect, or is it off the coils forever?  This certainly sounds like a culprit to my problems of stuck flow, overheating, and general finickiness that several of us are dealing with.  

ive fixed a many. even one out of a giant. pull the coil out degrease it and scrub with a tooth brush. and i figured out a way to without dumping the lamp
Keith said:

I have a mid 90's globe that the wax will not stick to the coil at all.  I have tried cycling it several times with no success.  Since then Jus has posted a way to superheat the coil that allows the wax to stick, but getting the coil out of a 32 oz is a lot easier that a Colossus. :(

Ben said:

While I had the globe off and on the couch to swap bulbs, I was surprised to see the wax was completely unattached from the coils (see photos).  This is after a cool-down from a stuck flow.  I would have assumed the wax would reconnect to the coils after a cool down.  I've never seen the wax unattached in my smaller lamps.  Since it's so heavy, I can't lift it to see what the wax & coil are doing while its running but I can see down inside.  As I type this, with the new bulb installed, it has the same "crater" in the middle of the wax and I can see bare glass and coil at the bottom.  The globe hasn't finished warming up yet; temp is 99 degrees at the moment.  This does not look promising at all. 

Is the wax likely to reconnect, or is it off the coils forever?  This certainly sounds like a culprit to my problems of stuck flow, overheating, and general finickiness that several of us are dealing with.  

Hey! What if I heat it on the stove! Just kidding.

Keith said:

I have a mid 90's globe that the wax will not stick to the coil at all.  I have tried cycling it several times with no success.  Since then Jus has posted a way to superheat the coil that allows the wax to stick, but getting the coil out of a 32 oz is a lot easier than a Colossus. :(

Ben said:

While I had the globe off and on the couch to swap bulbs, I was surprised to see the wax was completely unattached from the coils (see photos).  This is after a cool-down from a stuck flow.  I would have assumed the wax would reconnect to the coils after a cool down.  I've never seen the wax unattached in my smaller lamps.  Since it's so heavy, I can't lift it to see what the wax & coil are doing while its running but I can see down inside.  As I type this, with the new bulb installed, it has the same "crater" in the middle of the wax and I can see bare glass and coil at the bottom.  The globe hasn't finished warming up yet; temp is 99 degrees at the moment.  This does not look promising at all. 

Is the wax likely to reconnect, or is it off the coils forever?  This certainly sounds like a culprit to my problems of stuck flow, overheating, and general finickiness that several of us are dealing with.  

Ken - sorry if I missed it (this is the mutha' of all threads), what was your experience with the Norman 200w br40 bulbs?  I just got several or them a couple of days ago and have been running both my yellow/purple and pink/purple on them.  So far, I can run the dimmer at 100%, and I'm getting EXCELLENT flow with no blob/stuck/abyss flow.  My yellow/purple has been flowing beautifully for 2 days now at 100%.  My pink/purple has been flowing for several hours and flowing beautifully at 100%.  Still a little too soon, but the bulb may be the key for these lamps that are having flow issues.  Wouldn't if be nice to not have to dink with the dimmer?  More coming...

ken mitc said:

I went ahead and ordered the 200 watt br40 bulbs from norman lamps I think it would be safer to have the original bulbs used in the lamp imo. They will be here next week I will see how they perform.

Same experience here I did not write about it any further because no one replied back.
Kirk said:

Ken - sorry if I missed it (this is the mutha' of all threads), what was your experience with the Norman 200w br40 bulbs?  I just got several or them a couple of days ago and have been running both my yellow/purple and pink/purple on them.  So far, I can run the dimmer at 100%, and I'm getting EXCELLENT flow with no blob/stuck/abyss flow.  My yellow/purple has been flowing beautifully for 2 days now at 100%.  My pink/purple has been flowing for several hours and flowing beautifully at 100%.  Still a little too soon, but the bulb may be the key for these lamps that are having flow issues.  Wouldn't if be nice to not have to dink with the dimmer?  More coming...

ken mitc said:

I went ahead and ordered the 200 watt br40 bulbs from norman lamps I think it would be safer to have the original bulbs used in the lamp imo. They will be here next week I will see how they perform.

Ken-I think you have quietly solved the problem. We just weren't listening. ; )

You are my new best friend! Thank you!

Any idea what's wrong with my colossus (picture attached)? It is an old one I bought 2nd hand recently here in the UK. I have altered the back to fit a 200w bulb. I ran the lamp for 48 hours on full heat but to little success. A large lump of lava floated to the top and stayed there. The lava at the bottom is melted but it shows no signs of flocking or anything. Any tips? I did have a 4 hour journey to get the lamp home when I bought it.



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