Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Not sure if this is kosher, but here goes:

Hello, I've inherited a colossus lava lamp I don't have time or room for. The fade switch on this particular one had fried out and was replaced with an on/off switch instead. If there is anyone in the central Georgia area that would like to check it out:


I would prefer this go to an owner who can fully appreciate a 4' tall lava lamp. My friend pictured with this monster of a lava lamp is 5'3". :)

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Doesn't look dented in the pics...did the seller say it had some minor issues?

additional pics were sent last night to email

I have  metal working guy in Ohio that is making me a custom lamp. He might be able to massage the dents out. Also might have one locally art custom hotrod shop

LL shipped them by freight on a pallet.  Might have to have a shipping crate built.

Push comes to shove,I will find a driver somewhere

The dent in the base wlli probably come out pretty much completely if your guy is good. The cap won't but it can be improved upon and turned to the back.

That is not a bad run from IL to GA. That would be just a weekend road trip for me.....I love to hit the road for big lamps.

I'm glad Claude will be able to take better care of this lamp than I've been able to by far.

Honestly, when I saw this and knew I wasn't going to pursue it, Claude was the first person I thought of.

thanks guys

Maybe this could work for you? - 


It would be really cool to see your Colossus on an episode of Shipping Wars!  - 


Oh wow i want kne how who where when how much is it available ?? For sale ???
I really would like to get my hands on one real bad i just dont know what i can get ine for ??

Rebecca,.. Please call me

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