Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

So I recently obtained a 1977 Century (EU plug)... Looks as though its gold-painted, plastic screw cap is cracked, and leaks when I even tilt it. I've called LavaLites and they don't have any more Century caps. I'm leaning against caulk (heat concerns) or modeling clay (don't want to bake cap with the clay). Does anyone know of a reliable fix for this or perhaps some means of replacing the cap?

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I was gonna say this might not be of any help but I'm trying and there's a product called Stik'n'Seal by Loctite and it's a waterproof adhesive that takes high temps and sticks to glass. I've used it to make a better seal around some bottle caps that I redid for some project globes and it's great stuff. And it's only 4 dollars. Best of luck.

Ghost Forever

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