Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all

Have a Crestworth Galaxy Fibre Optic lamp and want to make a Perspex Stand, can anyone provide the dimensions of the original please.

Thank you Bob 

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herewith photos, it's about 4mm thick

Hope this helps?


Thanks Andy.

Could you possibly provide the dimensions 

Across the top.


Width of waist.

Height to waist.


It would allow me to be as true to the original as possible.

Help really appreciated



Width across top 145mm

Total height 160mm (including the 3mm cut-out in the middle of the base)

width at waist 50mm

height to waist 100mm (inc the 3mm)

thickness 4mm 

NB thickness - the slots where the two base parts fit together needs to match the thickness, natch!


Hi Andy

Please accept my apologies for not responding sooner.

I have only just found your response which is just what I needed, the oozing goo site is not the easiest to use regarding replies etc and I totally missed it.

Dimensions fantastic, its a lot more lightweight than anticipated and can see how they get broken. Think will thicken up but keep all other dimensions the same. Thanks again really appreciated.

Have got a couple (Well 1 1/2 as one does not have a top) of Crestworth Aroma lights and have not seen many of those advertised and not sure if uncommon or of no value, not strictly goo of course.

Thanks again.


PS was disappointed with the Galaxy brightness until I discovered it only had a 10W lamp instead of a 20W

andy ross said:


Width across top 145mm

Total height 160mm (including the 3mm cut-out in the middle of the base)

width at waist 50mm

height to waist 100mm (inc the 3mm)

thickness 4mm 

NB thickness - the slots where the two base parts fit together needs to match the thickness, natch!


No worries Bob, the site's OK once you learn its nuances - I'm pretty un-techy too...

One of the things with these lamps - as I learned last year - is that they can become "transformered" by over-use - two of my Jupiter 2's (does that make a Jupiter 4?) were really dim till a fellow-Goohead explained their transformers were shot, replacing these restored them to their former glories - worth noting?

(thanks Claude)

Did someone say Jupiter 2?

Yes the transformer go bad on these very easy

I replace everything inside with a simple remote controlled 120 VAC or 12VDC (with new Transformer/driver) LEDs that automatically change color (with memory) so every time you turn them on, the recall settings.

They are much brighter than the original setup

If you want, I 'l be happy to open mine up, (its boxed to move but handy) and trace a pattern of the base for you

andy ross said:

No worries Bob, the site's OK once you learn its nuances - I'm pretty un-techy too...

One of the things with these lamps - as I learned last year - is that they can become "transformered" by over-use - two of my Jupiter 2's (does that make a Jupiter 4?) were really dim till a fellow-Goohead explained their transformers were shot, replacing these restored them to their former glories - worth noting?

(thanks Claude)

Hi Claude. Thank you. That would be useful.

Now not missing responses as get an email notification.

I missed a Galaxy on eBay that had no workings in the bottom and your lighting solution would have worked a treat. Great tip.

Thanks again.


accept friend request for address

I'll unpack it later today

Miss looking at it anyway

Going to move white Lunar upstairs and replace it with Galaxy downstairs

Bob Hughes said:

Hi Claude. Thank you. That would be useful.

Now not missing responses as get an email notification.

I missed a Galaxy on eBay that had no workings in the bottom and your lighting solution would have worked a treat. Great tip.

Thanks again.


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