Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

also have this for sale if the price is right. this lamp is stunning. sorry for bad picture, my camera is going

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I suppose you're in the UK?
i'm in the US. it's still wired for the UK though. you would have to get a power convertor or rewire it for the US
What are you asking for this?
hoping to get $200. everything is in perfect condition
I've got lots more mathmos lamps on ebay US now, just do a search for Mathmos
Ooooh that's gorgeous :)
More than I can afford right now. It's beautiful though! Good luck with your sale! :)
Nice lamps on ebay. I'm assuming the blue/blue with purple base is yours? Thats a killer lamp, I'm looking for that color combo just with a black base. Good luck with your lamp auctions!
would be willing to sell you that globe with black metal version of base

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