Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

For a complete newcomer:

How easy it it to filter a cloudy bottle?

Is it easy to use an existing bottle and start from scratch (new wax and liquid)?


For both of these options, are they expensive and can you get good results?


Opinions welcome. 




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What does MSR stand for?

The goo kits on US Ebay - are they made by different sellers? Is the finished product worthwhile?


hello Si

see here for goo-kits



they are made by Magma tower - only one manufacturer.


I have tried using them with varied success. they are easy to use but be aware you wont end up with a flow exactly like a mathmos. the flow can be tweaked etc. but the wax (obviously) is different.


what bottle have you got that is cloudy? filtering is obviously possible but if it is a small bottle the MSR filters are quite expensive so maybe not worth the hassle, and you may be able to swap out the fluid by picking up a cheap second hand mathmos bottle on ebay.


Do they make up JET bottles any more?


Hi Simon - Mathmos don't make Jet bottles any more but jets are easy to find on ebay or as Richard said you probably would be able to get Mathmos to do a custom refill on it.

The only jet products Mathmos sell now are the bulbs and frankly they are very easy to find elsewhere and are probably cheaper.
Looking for white wax / clear liquid - do they do this?

Richard said:

I doubt it but it could be worth dropping them an email to ask if they will refill a bottle for you if you send them one,

What colour were you wanting ?

Looking for white wax / clear liquid - do they do this?

Yea mathmos do this - they made a limertided white/clear astro at one time - hears the link http://www.imovatedesign.co.uk/astro/beyond.html


If you send them a jet bottle they will refill it, but they are not providing a guarantee on it regarding sticking wax etc. since it's your job to clean the bottle before you send it.

That sounds very promising!

Does anyone know what works best when cleaning bottles?

Has anyone cleaned the bottle successfully?


Thanks for the info ... very helpful.

Is it best to phone Mathmos direct?

Only i had an email from them saying they didn't do "custom bottles".





Richard said:

Best way to clean the bottle is to rinse it out with hot water (not boiling as it will probably crack it) and some vinegar, repeat this a few times then give it a thorough rinse with hot water then leave it to dry completely.

If you have a dishwasher just stick it in there or fill it with hot water and put a dishwasher tablet in it and leave it over night then give it a thorough rinse and dry.

If you have any spare liquid then a rinse and a good shake with some will coat the inside of the bottle and help prevent wax sticking although mathmos will probably do this before they fill the bottle.


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