To my fellow gooheads,
First off if you ever sell anything on ebay and the buyer comes back to you and says its broken and doesn't work ask for PROOF! Simple pictures tell the story. If they refuse to show proof then BAM then you know they are full of sh!t. Don't be bullied by people like this. Read my interactions with this buyer and beware gooheads. Oh and I'm wohlster57 in the conversations.
Love, Dr
Dear wohltster57,
hello received the lava lamp today .it doesnt come on and the base is loose afraid it will not hold the bottle.i would like a refund.
Dear wohltster57,
I dont want this item .just refund me and send me a prepaid return postage .ans send pic will not show the base is loose nor will it show it doesnt light.i placed a bid on a working item and received different .refund please
Views: 1231
I dread selling things on Ebay for this very reason. I have only sold 5 times ( non lava related ) and ran across 2 nut cases.
Sounds like you hit a winner Dr. Its the hassle that sucks.
lol her BS continues.... this in the open case messages.
"I was willing to work with the buyer and I have all the emails to prove it. I offered a refund for the lava lamp only, not for the shipping costs if they could provide proof (photos) that the lamp is as how they claim it to be and they refused and demanded a refund. I need the proof I'm sorry. I've had buyers pull this before and as soon as I ask for proof, they back out or just say don't worry about it. Also my auction does state no returns or exchanges which is a option that ebay allows to post in all auction listings. I would like customer support to review my emails and see where this is really going. And you don't know how to take photographs? you've been a member since 2001 and it shows that you've been a seller. You have to take pics for items in order to sell stuff. "
"yes I have been a member a while but my son was the one who posted items far sale he was killed so I cant ask him.again u are saying im lieing but im not.just let ebay solve this you seem to be a angry person with a chip on you shoulder cause someone has done you wron and you think all are trying to do u wrong .again im not .just want my money and shipping back alone with a prepaid shipping lable sent to me to mail your lamp back to you cause its not working ."
"Does a angry person with a chip on his shoulder offer to work with you (even though my auction says no returns)only if you can provide proof that your item is as you say it to be? I dont think so. In this day in age if you cant take a simple picture and send it to me that is not my fault. Look I'm done going back and forth with you, as far as I'm concerned the auction says NO RETURNS OR EXCHANGES and with no proof that the lamp is not working and tilting (which could be a simple fix with a new light bulb, it is a lamp after all and bulbs DO go out all the time) then I'm done speaking with you and let ebay sort this out."
"I touched the bulb and it blinks then it blew my breaker in my house turning off all my lights which leads me to believe there is a short in the lava not pluging this lamp back up its to dangeroug. want full refund "
wow now your reaching for any excuse aren't you? now the light flickers but before it didn't work at all. And just a fyi something that draws only 25 watts of power would not even make your house fuse bat a eye and blow. The lamp was in perfect working order when I shipped it and it even shows in the photos. And again for the hundredth time, the auction states NO RETURNS! I would suggest you read auctions thoroughly before you place a bid. I'm done with you and I will no longer respond to this game. I'll let ebay handle it.
"No mam this is way took place in the beginning i didn't go into details. Sorry .didn't think i would have all this trouble. "
"I dont understand what your saying. The fact still is that there are no RETURNS. The auction states this clearly. Let ebay sort this out."
I did some research and found out who she is. Definitely nuts. As of October 2nd she has uploaded a photo to facebook so she is full of it about not being able to upload photos. She has 2 kids, one died 10 years ago, another is still alive. If you want anymore information about her I can provide it.
lol! Autumn I can always count on you to go recon
Thank you Autumn for the 411 on this lady. I just sent her one last email.
Dear hessmer_fd_26,
Ok lets cut the crap here please, I know you know how to take pictures and post them on the internet because your Facebook page for your Thrift Shop shows TONS of photos you've added to recently and with your phone no less because they say mobile uploads. I'm not stupid and I do not want to fight with you about this anymore because I can think of 100 other things to do with my time. So should I tell eBay about this because as soon as they figure out your lying about taking photos they will not give you a refund and even if they are not convinced from that, the auction clearly states no refunds. If eBay disagreed with those terms they would not allow sellers to choose that as a option. Your choice.
hahaha her response- and I got negative feedback now!!!
omg are u stalking me hunting me down on Facebook that has nothing to do with eBay . totally 2 different sites.please quit messaging me im leaving this up to ebay.
lol dont flatter yourself, its called Google and your name of the thrift store on your paypal receipt. Took less then 2 seconds to find out what a liar you are. and good luck with ebay customer support on this one. God bless!!!!!!!!!!
this back-and-forth communication is painful to read, and it really brings out the worst in everyone.
your telling me and all for a lamp that sold for $5.50 lol
Looks like she thinks you're a bitch, bitch.
Buyers beware seller has a negative disposition when you ask her to take a item
Dr. WHAT?! said:
hahaha her response- and I got negative feedback now!!!
omg are u stalking me hunting me down on Facebook that has nothing to do with eBay . totally 2 different sites.please quit messaging me im leaving this up to ebay.
lol dont flatter yourself, its called Google and your name of the thrift store on your paypal receipt. Took less then 2 seconds to find out what a liar you are. and good luck with ebay customer support on this one. God bless!!!!!!!!!!
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