Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi everyone. I have kind of a large collection but some that I would like to start on is the Elek-trick series. Anyone have any for sale or seen on eBay? I've been checking eBay but a lot of people don't list them as the Elek-Trick series unless u look through thousands of pictures. Also, was one of the combos a white base and cap with clear liquid and purple lava? Thanks

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 Another interesting note, there is also a lime green base that was to be released with the ElekTrick line but for some reason it never was released with the other colors. Early 2000's they finally released it with the ultra rare #29 globe.

The Midnight and Princess black/clears were first pictured both on the Elec-Trick box, and on the Elec-Trick catalog page. But they are most assuredly still a Midnight and Princess.

Yes, the Elec-Trick yellow is quite rare. Elec-Trick yellow is no. 11. Standard or lemon yellow, which started with the Princess, is no. 08. Also rare, though less so, is red no. 06 (Princess) or coral red, as opposed to standard red no. 10.

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