Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Tagged a NIB Red/Clear Giant but this jackass FedEx delivery guy always puts the boxes on my porch upside sown no matter how much writing there is on the box showing arrows pointing up.

Needless to say, my lamp is extremely cloudy. I am going to cycle it for a couple weeks and see what happens. That cleared up one of my pink Giants but hasn't done shit for my blue/white or blue/green lamps.

Any chance it comes back or do I need to filter it?

On that topic, I have 5 cloudy Giants that are still not too cloudy to sell but drive me crazy when comparing them to my crystal clear ones. A Red one that I picked up 6 months ago appears clear during the day but smokey at night.

I guess it's time to do a search here for the best filter remedy because that is a lot of fluid to filter 

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I’m more than happy to hate on FedEx (pretty sure my delivery person walks part way up my apartment’s stairs and just shoves packages as hard as possible towards my door), but simply leaving a lamp upside down should’t cloud it up. It may make a mess of things, especially if the wax is soft, but clouding implies agitation (e.g. due to rough handling or a bumpy ride).

I am guessing that the bumpy ride that you mentioned coupled with heat is what did it. There was also a small amount of wax at the top of the lamp when it arrived so it must have been hot in the truck.

I think I am gonna grab one of the MSR MiniWorks filter systems and start with some of my existing Giants as I will need to filter the new red one regardless of the clouding.

I agree with Alfred, It has been bounced on the truck and in other forms of transit.


Its broken down over time from usage.

It will look clear before shipment but the shaking will allow it to shed its particles into the fluid

Best to cycle it 6hrs on 3 off fo a few days

I've heard of limited success filtering them, then again I have a filter that didn't work and is now useless for anything else.

Don't recall the name, it is in storage somewhere

Invest in a couple of gallon of propylene glycol $20 a gallon at Blanes Farm and Fleet or on eBay for the same $+ shipping and mix an approx 60/40 mix with distilled water. It takes a lot to do a giant or grande so be prepared to go through PG
Run it, get it to temp, then slowly add STRAIGHT PG to the mix until flotation occurs

60% Distilled water 40% Propylene glycol

Make sure it regains its operating temp before adding more or you will have added too much once it heats back up

Man, when I scored this I felt like a champ!

It’s so freakin cloudy and sad to look at after 6 hours.

Then reading these replies, I’m so bummed out. 

CYCLE IT 6 on 3/4 off (till it cools)

Use cheap light timer and let it run a few days

You still got the best globes made

Thanks Claude! I will quit whining. I’m so ADD sometimes about these lamps, but I know you get it ;-)

MSR miniworks works like a charm! I’ve used it on a few. Make sure to get ALL THE FLUID though the filter! 

Why not re-goo it?...

Again, always appreciate people's replies / advice! I have atteched some pics so you can see what I am dealing with.

Terry - not a big fan of the goo kits flow and the wax is still viable so likely just PG and DI and some surf will do it.

Trevor - I ordered the MSR MiniWorks and may try to filter, just depends on how patient I can be to see if it clears up as I would rather not crack it open.

Marcel - I am gonna just let it sit for a while after I cycle it for a week or two. I already have 2 red Giants that flow nicely. One of them appears clear during the day but at night it appears cloudy. Also have 3 or 4 other giants that are cloudy but not sure if it is just from age or shipping or use.

Claude - So 60/40 DI/PG to start with?

Any opinions on the best way to seal a giant back up? Zip tie or grande cap or???

Add a little (Few tablespoons one at a time) of mineral oil to the goo kit and watch the results

Sentrex said:

Again, always appreciate people's replies / advice! I have atteched some pics so you can see what I am dealing with.

Terry - not a big fan of the goo kits flow and the wax is still viable so likely just PG and DI and some surf will do it.

Trevor - I ordered the MSR MiniWorks and may try to filter, just depends on how patient I can be to see if it clears up as I would rather not crack it open.

Marcel - I am gonna just let it sit for a while after I cycle it for a week or two. I already have 2 red Giants that flow nicely. One of them appears clear during the day but at night it appears cloudy. Also have 3 or 4 other giants that are cloudy but not sure if it is just from age or shipping or use.

Claude - So 60/40 DI/PG to start with?

Any opinions on the best way to seal a giant back up? Zip tie or grande cap or???

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