Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

UPS finally delivered my lamp today. Was extremely excited until I opened it up. It appears they stacked something on top of the box and in doing so, cracked the bottom acrylic sphere. Broke 3 chunks out of it. It was resting on the stand in those 3 areas so that's what did it. Everything else is fine. Really sucks.

However, there is a silver lining. It was insured and I am claiming it. I have also found two manufacturers that make globes. One of them seems to have one that appears to be an almost exact match. The other company will actually make one to my specifications. I am going to see who is cheaper. Either way, I think I might have a replacement in the works. I am really excited about that. It will be like nothing ever happened.

Other than that, this thing is a BEAST! Absolutely stunning. Works and looks perfect and is awe inspiring!

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Congrats on the lamp Kris.
But ummm... I'm pretty sure you must have seen that I asked you twice here where you bought it, so I can't understand why you don't simply reply.
Is asking you where you bought the thing an outrageous or offensive question? And would there be any problem in asking you who these two manufacturers that make the globes are?
Well, I lost power on Sunday. I did see you asked and I either got sidetracked or my battery went dead and I forgot to post a reply. All this on a 3" screen as well. It's nothing personal. There is also a thread stating where I purchased it from - Craigslist - Phoenix Arizona. I paid UPS store to pickup, pack and ship the lamp to Richmond, Virginia. $305 dollars total, plus the $75 dollars to pay the item and the $10 to Western Union the money to the nice lady. Does that help? :) Again, I wasn't ignoring you on purpose or not trying to share. It's just been hectic here.

As for the manufacturers of the globes, that info will have to wait. I have a superstition about sharing info before I get something in. I think if I do that, it jinxes it. So when I order and get my globe in and all is well or not, I will then share the info, until then - no sharing. If I did not share about this lamp, it probably would have survived just fine. I promise I will share though.

So, may I ask why you wanted to know? Just curious.
Oh and Jeff - the Sunburst lamp deal fell through. The seller decided to keep it so no Sunburst lamp for me. Sucks but hopefully there will be others.
Hey Kris, :O)
Ooops... I must apologize. I'm just very cynical and assumed (for whatever reason) you were choosing not to reply. I'm always like that... again I'm sorry.

I didn't see the thread where you said where you had bought it from, and I think I also got confused:
This lamp that you just received was a Cosmos ( ?) and I thought that you were waiting to receive the Sunburst. When you put the "Cosmos?" in your thread title I then assumed that you did receive the Sunburst but maybe you weren't sure if it was a Cosmos or Sunburst so you added the "?".

That sucks that it was cracked, but very good that it was insured. This question is just me being nosey... but are you saying that you paid $75 for the "item"/lamp, $10 to Western Union the money to the seller... and $220 for UPS to pick it up and ship it??? UPS charged that much??

And I totally understand why you wanna keep the manufacturers private right now.

Originally I wanted to know where you had gotten the Sunburst as I was hoping you may have miraculously found a seller who may have had more for sale. Then when you said you may have found some globe manufacturers I wanted to see if I could get one... depending on if I would have been able to find the other parts of the lamp I'd need, of course.
Oh, that really does suck.
OK... I think I need to PM you...
Kris... I can't figure out how to PM you. I see I have an inbox here but apparently I need your email address to contact you?

Forgive my retardation w/ these things... but you could please PM me (or email me or send a smoke signal)?
Your good. No apology necessary :)

These lamps are kind of confusing. Especially since this one's name is "unofficial". Someone (wizard of ooze) here told me they thought it was called Cosmos. I guess until I find out otherwise, that's it's name.

As for the Sunburst, I had paid for it and was waiting on it until I received an email stating my money was returned and the seller had a "change of heart", lol and wanted to keep it. Which is fine. So, I never got that. It was a seller from eBay. Deal fell through. I really want to find one though. With a box would be even cooler but here's to hoping!

UPS charged me $305 dollars total for pack, ship and pickup of the item. I could have saved a butt ton of money if they took the legs off like I asked and the item more than likely would not have been damaged as well. However, you can only expect so much from people these days. :P

As for the globes, I am going to be ordering them as soon as my UPS claim is approved and money is in hand. It's going to cost $200 for the globes, which includes shipping. I have measured again and again to be sure and I hope to god they work out. Anyways, enough on those for now. Don't want to Jinx it!

Not sure the rarity of these lamps, but I have only seen one other place to purchase one and that is Mildreds Antiques. If you google search "fantasia fiber optic" - she is the first link.
Apparently the Mildreds Antiques one is gone. I couldn't find it through google. I have only seen one of these for sale at a shop called Las Venus here in NYC. It was a couple of years ago and EVERYTHING on it was broken and messed up.
I checked - it's still there - http://www.mildreds-antiques.com/fiber_optic_lamp.htm

Yeah, these things if not taken care of can be damaged pretty bad. I am thankful other than the damage I had, everything else is in perfect shape. I have only see two of these, the one I have and Mildreds. I think they were very limited production or they were too costly for the average consumer.
What is the outer diameter of the sphere within, and what colors/pattern on the wheel? And is there a cooling fan? As far as I know, only the Sunburst had a fan.

Sorry to hear about the accident - I feel your pain. I, too, have had an item arrive trashed, though mine wasn't a lamp - it was a vintage ceiling fan - and it was the seller who did the awful packing job. It was indeed damaged, and the damage was repaired. I have confidence that you'll get yours fixed, too.

This thing would hake a great centerpiece for a 'conversation circle'. Pure 70s magic. 'Cosmos' is a good name for it.
Jonas Jonas Jonas! You are really making my heart skip a few beats here and there. This all is getting a little confusing. With the little info that is out there on these guys - you can understand why I am confused :P

Originally it was mentioned that the "Cosmos" lamp had a Centurion globe inside. Which I thought was really cool. However, after some recent searching and looking at other lamps, I started to think I might have the Sunburst model. My thoughts were somewhat compounded by the fact that the spray on the Sunburst 4000 (black) model seem to be much thicker (more hairs) and longer than the sprays I have now for my lamp that seems to be a Sunburst model. I thought my largest lamp was a Centurion and could not imagine a lamp that was larger than this honestly.

So, I awaited the arrival of my Cosmos lamp to hopefully compare. It arrived but did nothing to help the situation. It only confused me further as the Cosmos lamp also houses the same size lamp as my largest lamp. I tried to make sense of all this by reading some more and looking at the measurements you stated in your fantasia model list. Again, they did not help because none of my lamps match the measurements.

I can tell you this - both my large lamp and my Cosmos lamp are the same size, the both have fans inside of them, they both have the same color patter (8 colors on the wheel) and the sprays are identical (same size and shape). The spray on the Cosmos is about a 1/2 shorter. Maybe because it was trimmed to fit inside the globe. It's just perfectly shorter so it's not shorter because of use or anything.

So, now you understand my confusion? I was hoping to have purchased the Sunburst 4000 a week back and put all my questions to rest - however that deal fell through. So I have to rely on information I find.

So no other model had a fan?

If the case is I do have the Sunburst already - What size is the Centurion? What size is the Ecstasy? See, my baseline is messed up now. I don't know what I have now :(
Confusion cleared. This floor lamp contains a Sunburst with a cooling fan, eight-color wheel, revolving spray.

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