Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hello, all!

Checked the other discussions on the Fantasia Glitter Lamp, but could not locate any information on when these were made.  I am guessing sometime in the 1960's.

Also, my glitter doesn't have multi-colors so I imagine no one ever put on a color wheel.

Anyone know where you can get one?


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I am not too familiar with the Fantasia glitters as I have never owned one but... I think you are right on initial date of manufacture, ito the 70's as well. I do believe the multi-color effect is made possible due to a paint job at the bottom of the vessel. Think of lighting gels used on stage lights and place thin lines of each color at the bottom of the glass (whether this is glass paint or some form of adhesive lighting gel is unknown to me). This ends up creating the look of multi-color glitter in the vessel.

Wow, brought it home and took the glass off the base and there was a color wheel tucked in the side and never applied to the bottom of the glass! It was singed a bit in a couple spots from being too close to the bulb I suppose. Anyone know how to stick it on the glass per manufacturer instructions?

Hey Mike,

The Fantasia stickers came in a pack of 5 -  Rainbow, Green, Blue, Red, and Yellow.

If your sticker is already peeled apart and it no longer adheres to the bottom of the glitter bottle you can just use a little scotch tape to hold it in place.


The Fantasia Cosmic window uses the exact same type of glitter bottle and stickers.


Here is a Fantasia price list from 1982 that shows a new Fantasia glitter lamp selling for $27.50


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