Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I recently acquired a silver Glitter Lite lamp (Model 4662X by Lite F/X Attitude Lighting according to sticker on bottom) for $5 at Goodwill.

I love how it looks, but would like to find a way for it to have a blue tint. I am *NOT* savvy enough to change the fluid or uncap it to add coloring, so that avenue is out, but I was wondering if anyone has had success in using glass paint on the bottom of a glitter or lava lamp globe to tint the light?

I made a short video of the lamp itself, I am using an R14 20 watt bulb in it, and its beautiful.


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Use a colored bulb (best way) or you can use a hi-temp paint on the bottom of the globe like old school glitter lamps

try a light coat of nail polish (let it dry completely)

I've been looking everywhere for a blue colored R14 bulb to no avail, perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places (Amazon, Home Depot, etc)

Would the heat from the bulb burn the nail polish?

Claude J said:

Use a colored bulb (best way) or you can use a hi-temp paint on the bottom of the globe like old school glitter lamps

try a light coat of nail polish (let it dry completely)

NO,...; the nail polish goes on the bottom of the bottle


By that i mean:hi-temp paint on the bottom of the globe like old school glitter lamps

Oh that I understand, I was just worried that even on the bottom of the bottle, the heat from the lamp might burn the nail polish. Would something along the lines of Vitrea or Marabu glass paints work better?

Claude J said:

NO,...; the nail polish goes on the bottom of the bottle


By that i mean:hi-temp paint on the bottom of the globe like old school glitter lamps

not familiar with them but worth a try

You can always scrape it off and start over

Delta said:

Oh that I understand, I was just worried that even on the bottom of the bottle, the heat from the lamp might burn the nail polish. Would something along the lines of Vitrea or Marabu glass paints work better?

Claude J said:

NO,...; the nail polish goes on the bottom of the bottle


By that i mean:hi-temp paint on the bottom of the globe like old school glitter lamps

Yeah, I use glass paint on the base of my Living Jewel lamps here in  the UK

That's the way they were sold...

Nail polish remover gets it off if you need to start over, we use two-colour bands, eg red blue red

Marcel's paint might be better; it's worth noting that with standard blue glass paint in a red/blue/red band arrangement, the blue effect is pretty much negated by the red - the blue tends to clarify the clear light, I find

Thank you so much!

Another option for coloring a glitter lamp is to attach colored plastic stickers/filters/gels on the bottom of the bottle.

That is what Fantasia glitter lamps use.



Much easier to peel off a sticker than scraping off paint when you want to change colors and they can be reused ;)

You can find material like this on Ebay just make sure it is heat resistant.

I think photographers and DJ's have a specific name for the material I am talking about but I don't know it.

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