Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Listings on the bay for my glitterballs.
Sadly going due to lack of dosh.
Hopefully someone else will give them a loving home!

Thanks :)



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Those are gorgeous! Wish I lived in the UK!
Hi Erin!
I know delivery is expensive but I am happy to post overseas if anyone is interested :)
I have them on my watch list but I'm sure they will go out of my price range, they look fantastic. I would love the green.
Hi Ladee :)
they are fab, just something i tend not to run anymore and when times get hard i'm afraid they get the chop!
i have seen the odd one go for quite cheap recently, so i guess we'll see.
thanks for the request BTW :)
My pleasure :) I will be keeping a close eye on them both :)
shhh!! lol.

Just kidding. :)

at the end of the day, things are only worth what people are prepared to pay. thats why I started at £15 + £20, not £40 or £50
I dont want to price myself out of the market, or deprive people the chance of bidding and winning something they thought they couldnt afford just because i wanted to be greedy.
Lava can be an expensive hobby after all, something i'm well aware of!
Yeah I well understand that these lovely lamps have come down in price but it's still alot to me.

I can just see the kids sitting round the tree on christmas morning with just a satsuma each gazing at my lovely lava collection :) lol
hmm.. tough call ;)

its alot to me too, if it weren't i wouldn't need to sell them!

I love satsumas. I always used to get one and a bag of monkey nuts in my stocking when i was little :)
Yeah, it's the shipping I can't afford. :) I'm going to watch the sale though - always fun!

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