Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Stupid question that I am sure has a very obvious answer but here goes...I bought one of the newly updated rainbow lamps from Spencer's. I'm not a fan of the multicolored base, so I switched the globe to a wizard base I had laying around. I ran it for 8 hours and got nothing. I put a glitter globe back on the wizard and it works fine. I put the rainbow back on its original base and its heating up and I can tell it will flow. What gives??

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Try a lava globe on the Wizard base as that will provide a better test regarding the rainbow globe.  Glitter does its thang at a much lower temperature so you really need to compare apples to apples.

I've tried several different lava globes on the wizard base and none of them seem to work.. So, its not getting hot enough?

Nope - try gentle gripping the bulb (once it cools) and pull up to change the angle of the socket which in turn will pull the bulb closer to the bottom of the globe.

I will give it a try. Thanks :-)

Check the wattage of the bulb on the wizard base, make sure it's 40 watt.

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