Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Talking to Mr GooKit about ways to color our lava light water he asked his chemist and emailed

me back. They can get the proper water dyes, but only in bulk.

I am interested for sure, and told I thought others on this forum would also be interested.


So vote here and I will do a count later.

Or maybe Mr GooKit lurks here and will see for himself.


How many would like to see GooKit offer different colors for your LL water?


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food dye is organic

I dont get it :\ so what!? Does that mean it will form crud on the inside of the globe?

I saved the hobby website you mentioned and will order a set of colors since they are so cheap.

I dont like the dark colored water used in most LL's, I prefer a lighter tint to the water.

So I would use very little.


I have my Grande globe all cleaned out and ready for my GooKit project and should receive the fluorescent

blue dye today or tomorrow.

I also made a set of 2 stanless steel, 14mm spring coils. It was rather difficult attaching the ends :\


After getting the original coils out of the globe, I was shocked at how flimsy and cheap they are!!

Dr. WHAT?! said:

food dye is organic

Doc, almost forgot to ask you, how well does this dye hold up over time?

(I mean the soap dye like you recommended)


P.S. I saw this dye for candle making on their website too, what do you think of this?




Dr. WHAT?! said:

food dye is organic

Yeah sort of it'll just cloud the water over time. The gookits guys always recommended against using food coloring in the water and only recommend distilled water. And honestly once you see how crystal clear a gookit is when running you may change your mind. There nothing like it. And it doesnt matter how strong or flimsy a coil is as long as it's clean and does the job properly.


The dye you linked isnt the same stuff I got. This is the stuff http://shop.hobbylobby.com/products/something-fabulous-soap-dye-375... so far I've had no issue with it. But I've only used it on one lamp. I know Lamphead has used it numerous time and so has Jim. So it works. Here is a picture of the globe I used red dye on.








Stanley Post said:

I dont get it :\ so what!? Does that mean it will form crud on the inside of the globe?

I saved the hobby website you mentioned and will order a set of colors since they are so cheap.

I dont like the dark colored water used in most LL's, I prefer a lighter tint to the water.

So I would use very little.


I have my Grande globe all cleaned out and ready for my GooKit project and should receive the fluorescent

blue dye today or tomorrow.

I also made a set of 2 stanless steel, 14mm spring coils. It was rather difficult attaching the ends :\


After getting the original coils out of the globe, I was shocked at how flimsy and cheap they are!!

Dr. WHAT?! said:

food dye is organic

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