Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Anyone ever here of a lamp called got milk?

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Yeah. They sold it at the local Fred Meyers near my house for awhile a few years back. It's a knock-off, not actual Lava Lite. I would've bought one if it was shaped like the lava lamps, but if I remember correctly it was square.
Is it this?

They also had a ketchup and orange juice bottle. Never saw them in person, but the flow seemed alright in the pictures.

They are on eBay frequently.
Dunno about "Got milk?", but yes, there's that milk bottle lamp. And yes, there was an OJ one (the rounded square bottle does look like a milk or OJ bottle) and a ketchup one - not Heinz, just "ketchup" (the rounded square bottle does NOT look like any ketchup bottle I've seen, but what d'ya expect, for generic-brand? ...I mean both generic-brand lava and generic-brand ketchup)
Yes that it thank you callisto9 Sorry its taken so long to reply ,We have been busy with a new horse.
I have the milk, ketchup and orange juice. They all flow great and I have had no problems with them. I would love to find a lime juice one!
Bryin, if it's lava, chances you've got it somewhere... *grin*
I have Orange and Ketchup. Cheap but cheerful and very bright (especially the Orange one)!
Jonas you crack me up! Believe it or not, other than spare parts and a some duplicates (for future trades), all of my lavas and glitters are now out and on display. You know you're invited whenever you're in the neighborhood.

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