Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi everyone!  Thought I'd introduce myself to my fellow collectors.  My name is Will and I've been collecting lava lamps for over 25 years.  I only collect one brand (Haggerty a.k.a. Lava brand) and I currently have 46 (I think) lamps.  I remember the exact moment I became a lava head.  I was about 5 years old and my mom took me to a store that had 2 lamps on display - a gold liquid/red lava lamp and a blue liquid/white lava lamp.  I was captivated by them.  Later on I'd even ask Mom to take me back there just so I could watch the lamps.  Got my first lamp as a birthday gift when I was 9 - a gold/red lamp.  I'm not sure I ever turned it off LOL.  I didn't start collecting till the 90's when lava lamps made a comeback.  Anyhow that's it for my brief introduction.  I'll post pictures of my collection in a bit.  I'm so glad to meet other collectors out there.  Nice meeting you all!

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Same here.  BEST products catalog showroom.  They were probably at other places also but that's where I remember them from back 40 something years ago!

Welcome to the Ooziness!!

Welcome bro.  Great bunch of people here.  Hope to expand your love of the wonderful lamps to include mathmos lamps as well.  Again, nice to have you on board the crazy lava train!

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