Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hey everyone, first post on here.
I know there are articles all over the web on making lava lamps, but could someone tell me what specific products they used to make the lava? It would be greatly appreciated. Also I am on my phone so it greatly limits my research abilities. I may hop on a computer and check out the chat.


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Oh, and Twitter might be an easy way of getting in touch with me. @TRSCP

This is a good place to start http://www.oozinggoo.com/howto.html

I have been looking through there, worked with what I had and now I have wax floating in the bottle, any quick solutions of what to add to get it to sink when cold?

Some surfactants include canning salt, dish soap and propylene glycol. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on that. 

Will these help keep the wax down?

It all has to do with density. Anything that affects density will help the wax rise and sink. 


Here are some topics about surfactants:



This is a recent thread discussing many kinds of surfactants:



It's a trial-and-error thing for most. Add some of this, less of that. Dump and try again. :)

Peter Lavelle said:

Will these help keep the wax down?

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