Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I've been trying to perfect the Retro formula for a few weeks now, and have tried different ingredients in the goo. I added paraffin oil to it and it seems to flow a little smoother, and I'm using oil based colors with great success, but I've found that adding carnuaba wax to the mix actually makes the goo perfect in every way but one. It causes the goo to run up the sides of the glass! I'm thinking if there is a way to keep the goo from sticking, I would have a perfect lava flow. Maybe adding something to the brine? The goo is opaque and very smooth, but looks horrible as it coats the inside of the globe.

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Oh man, this is a fairly common problem with home made formuale. I'm not a tech guy, just appreciate the aesthetics and all. Hope you get some good advice here soon.


Use surfactant ?
hmmmm...try waxing the inside of the globe w/carnabuayowe stuff first..couldn't hurt!
good luck an woooops if it gets WORSE! <--disclaimer

My, what an old thread.

What did adding carnauba wax do to the flow? Do you know what your final recipe was? This is relevant to my interests!

Also, what kind of surfactant do you use?

Lastly, maybe your wax-sticking problem was due to a thin, invisible film of wax stuck to the inside of the globe. This would prevent your surfactant from doing its job keeping the glass and wax separate. When I had that problem, I had to scrub the inside of the globe out with a scrub brush and some abrasive cleaner. I used Bon Ami and it seemed to get all the wax off without scratching the glass. Oh, and NEVER DO THIS:

Jus said:

hmmmm...try waxing the inside of the globe w/carnabuayowe stuff first..couldn't hurt!
good luck an woooops if it gets WORSE! <--disclaimer

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