Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

How to transfer liquid & wax from lava lamp into different lava globe

Hi there 

Any one Know how to transfer new lava liquid + wax to  another  empty Lava globe ? I just bought new replacement lave globe and i like to tranfer it to my old lava globe  please take a look a pics and Could you give me  your suggestion . Thank you for your time.

Peter Le 

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With bottle cold and wax hard, I would uncap it, pour most of the liquid out into an empty clean container.. leave about an inch of the fluid above the wax. Then put the bottle on the lamp base and heat it until the wax is COMPLETELY melted and it is hot enough to not cool down fast. Then quickly funnel that into the new globe, let it completely cool and harden. Add the remainder fluid back. If there is wax left in the globe, take the spring out and microwave it in small bursts until it's liquid enough to pour.
You can use a funnel plus hose to keep the wax from sticking to the sides of the new .globe. also, make sure the new globe is spotless.


Thanks for helping me  with your clear Suggestion  I  appreciate your time.

Will try and post soon.


Peter Le

You can follow my gookit tutorial that essentially is the same process for swapping globes. Just look at the pics and ignore all the yadda yadda yadda :)


Good morning  Dr. WHAT?

Thank you very much for sending me great gookit tutorial ,it's  very detail informations ! i will updade informand pics  Thank again and you have a nice weekend..


Peter Le 

Done. Thank you.

Phu Le said:

Good morning  Dr. WHAT?

Thank you very much for sending me great gookit tutorial ,it's  very detail informations ! i will updade informand pics  Thank again and you have a nice weekend..


Peter Le 

Done! Thank you.


Nice job! Looks great!

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