Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

Hi all I just put a hand on a crestworth Astro copper. My problem is that the liquid is not clear and I want to change it but it is realy stuck and I don't want to damage the copper cap. Any information will help.

Thank you

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Hmm, tricky...I think I'd try an oven since I ruined a chrome cap with boiling water...it somehow oxidised, not beautiful...I personally dont dare to heat it that much anymore...maybe use a blowdrier. Cant you just screw it off? If its stuck to the bakelite cap it should work...does for the jet style bottles.

Thank's for the answer.

I tried to screw it off, but it is very tight, I think it might be stuck to bakelite. How would you proceed?

Hi if its the astro bottle the top is just glued onto the screw on lid i pulled this off mine then used a hairdyer on the black screw cap and gingerly used an ajustable pipe wrench and it went no problem, the threads should be the same way as normal
Mine was a crestworth astro
Hi if its the astro bottle the top is just glued onto the screw on lid i pulled this off mine then used a hairdyer on the black screw cap and gingerly used an ajustable pipe wrench and it went no problem, the threads should be the same way as normal
Mine was a crestworth astro

Thank you Gary,It is also an astro,the problem is that I can't see the black cap because it is so tightly stuck I can't get off the copper cap. I will try to heat it up

the black cap is under the alloy top mine came off with a sharp pull and a bit of force wiggling it was fastened with some sort of solid glue no messy residue which has the screw cap moulded into it where the glue had set so when i push it back on it fits super and now i can take all off at the same time by twisting it off normally, i wouldnt heat up the copper bit as it may spoil it!

the black screw top has a rubber seal in it so once yopur done a good hand tight will suffice i should think

I have a pair of yellow gloves that have special grip.

They have never failed to get difficult lids off.

That & my trusted hair dryer


The best way I have found which works really well is to pour boling water over it - this should melt the silicone and it will come off easley.

I've removed a few stuck caps with a wrench some rubber matting around the cap. Gently. Anything with rubber will allow you to get a better grip. 

thank's for your answers I will let you know

Same problem here with Cosmos and Nordic:

I can unscrew the metal cap with the T plastic cap, but I would like to split the metal part from the plastic one.

There is a lot of glue between them.

on some it is possible on other not.

the best result I had was with boiling water (didn't try hairdryer) but it can slightly damage the metal cap if it is too hot

Astralav said:

Same problem here with Cosmos and Nordic:

I can unscrew the metal cap with the T plastic cap, but I would like to split the metal part from the plastic one.

There is a lot of glue between them.

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