Oozing Goo - The Lava Lamp Syndicate

I have successfully refilled a Mathmos Glitterball Lava Lamp with pure 100% (not diluted) Glycerin.


It works perfectly.


I loosened the cap, gently pored off the existing liquid and refilled with pure Glycerin leaving enough room for expansion at the top.


My cloudy Gliiterball that was two inches low is now perfect in every aspect.


If you are in the same boat as me and do not want to risk what is left of your Glitterball, put your mind to rest and forget about those
hesitations, it worked without a hitch!


Hope this is helpful.

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That's interesting to know, if our glitterball lamps ever go cloudy I will try that thanks.
pics please!!!

I have one more bottle of Glycerin on order at the pharmacy to finish the top off (I fell just short) I pick that up on Thurday and will post picures for you then.



I remembered someone did this on the old forum too. Same fluid that is in a Crestworth Glitterama.
Amazing! Good to know!

Hey thanks, this is good to know (I have a slighgtly cloudy glitterball.)

So you can buy glycerin from a pharmacy? Are there different varieties/concerntrations? 

PS Sorry if this is a dumb question.


this forum is awesome! I have a quick question: Is the Glitterball the same as the metallic lava lamp? I have a metallic red Astro and I am trying to figure how to refill the masterfluid.

A gltterball does not use the same fluid as the metallic lava lamps. 

As far as I know the glitterballs used a thick syrupy fluid. (glycerine) and moved very slowly.

The Metallics used fluid closer to the normal lava lamps, but I could be wrong in this. I've seen and held both and they look different. 

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